Well my rabbits have been busy and produced some very lovely babies, including rare red colored ones. All my bunnies are pedigreed and most are show quality. I will be at the middle Tennessee fiber festival as a vendor. I hope you might stop by and say hi. I will have these bunnies available there. You may contact me if you see one you just have to have!

This is Elaine's litter, born 3-23-10, out of a red doe and a red buck. They are: cream doe, cream buck, red doe, red buck, fawn doe, and fawn buck.

This is Esther's litter, born 3-23-10, out of a golden steel doe and lynx buck. They are: Chestnut buck and opal buck.

This is Lauren's litter, born 3-25-10, out of a black doe and a white buck. They are: Broken chestnut buck, broken chocolate chinchilla buck, broken black doe, black doe, broken blue doe, broken blue doe, and opal doe.

This is a red buck that was born 12-19-09.

This is Bianca's litter, born 4-11-10, out of a white doe and a red buck. They are:fawn buck, fawn buck, red buck, red doe, red doe, and red doe.

This is Calista's litter, born 4-20-10 out of a smoke pearl doe and lynx buck. They are: Squirrel buck, opal buck, blue buck, blue doe, squirrel? doe.