Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Getting the Garden Ready

With a working lawnmower and my tiller, I finally got to work in the garden. I tilled most of it just enough to get the grass and weeds, planted a few things like some lettuce and a hill of squash and cucumbers. I cleaned out the barn where the hay was and brought a bunch of chaff down for mulch. I left a spot where the sweet corn will be. I will till it later. I'm pretty pleased to have some of this wrapped up. I hope to better use my garden space to get more plants in. I also have been bringing my baby tomato plants outside during the day to harden them off. I usually don't get to that soon enough and have rather spindly plants.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Shetland lambs born!

It's been busy here on the lamb front. (goats, too, but this time only photos of lambs) I had nine ewes bred and all but one has had hers. Out of 13 lambs so far, there are 4 ewe lambs and 9 ram lambs. It is disappointing to not get more ewes, but, they are all beautiful and healthy, and colorful. I couldn't have asked for a lovlier rainbow of lambs!