Thursday, April 26, 2012

May 25th and 26th I am participating in the TN Fiber Festival in Dickson, TN. Along with presenting an Angora workshop about raising Angora rabbits and spinning the wool, I will have a booth and will have my bunnies and rovings and yarns for sale. I thought that I would post photos of the bunnies I will have available then.
Here is Elaine's December litter: Chinchilla buck, fawn doe and chestnut doe.
Here is Esther's December litter: black buck and chinchilla doe (she has been clipped some)
Here is Esther's March 20th Litter. opal buck and blue buck:
Here is Elaine's April 5th litter. a white buck, copper agouti doe, chestnut doe, and a cream doe. They would not be still!

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